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    Subsidiary planning regulation (NNSS) of La Fuliola is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the NNSS of La Fuliola consists of two cartography blocks: Information plans and Management plans; all of them in PDF format. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the NNSS plans are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and urbanizable land, sanitation infrastructures and regulation of undevelopable land.

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    Routes of La Fuliola is a set of geographical information referring to the tourist and sports routes of the municipality. This data set contains the routes intended to promote the healthy exercise and heritage of La Fuliola. Attached is a cartography file which shows the route of each itinerary; along with a description of the route. Finally, information is provided on the route, the difficulty and the different ways of traveling the itineraries.